What are
Ozaukee Watersheds
A watershed is the land area from which surface runoff drains into a stream channel, lake, reservoir, or other body of water that flows toward a common outlet. For example, in Ozaukee County, all the creeks and rivers eventually flow into Lake Michigan.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) has designated seven watersheds within the county. Milwaukee River South has the largest watershed, covering 164 square miles, or 66% of the county.
"A watershed is more than the physical landscape that is defined by its ridges with one outlet for water to flow. A watershed supports a variety of resources, uses, activities and values, where everything there is linked in such a way that eventually all things are affected by everything else in the watershed. Perhaps more importantly, a watershed contains the history of all who went before - and the spirit of those who touched it remains." - George Wingate, US Bureau of Land Management
What are
Shorelands and Floodplains
Shorelands are areas located within 300 feet of normal high tide mark of a navigable river or stream and/or within 1,000 feet of normal high tide mark of navigable lakes, ponds or flowage.
Floodplains are areas that have been flooded or may be flooded during a regional flood (for example, the 100-year flood). Floodways, flood fringes, shallow depth flooding, and flood storage areas fall under this designation. Ozaukee County's floodplains cover about 15 square miles, or about 6% of the county.
Due to flood hazards, high water tables, and soils that are unsuited for urban use, shoreland and floodplains are generally not well suited for urban development. City and village planning and regulatory agencies deal with shoreland and floodplain issues within their corporate limits, while county planning and regulation agencies deal with these issues in unincorporated areas.